THJA Eastern Zone

Fun and friendly showing at the Silver & Bronze levels.

Note from the President:

Welcome to Trillium Zone East,

As the THJA celebrated it’s 40th anniversary in 2023, our zone continues to have a large membership base of quality horses and equestrians. We have been strong representatives for the most successful provincial circuit in Canada since the formation of the association. From the very first trillium championship to last year, we have been fierce competitors with a rich history who continue to represent our zone with excellence and top results.

This circuit, the THJA, was the start of many trainers and riders, most notably Hyde Moffatt, and 2008 Olympic Team Silver Medalist Jill Henselwood.

As a group the TZE’s mission is to provide a safe, competitive, and quality environment for athletes to move up or remain at the level they choose through transparent process and practices.

Our barn families are very important to us and our connection with horses bring skills and strength of character that remain with us forever. Friendships, connections, even networks, that last a lifetime start at the barn.

Please read the Prize lists for each competition from cover to cover. A lot of the information you need is in those, and they go to EC for approval.

Divisions offerings are decided by committees, in the case of the THJA by the central committee.

Schedules are set by each show management team- Fiddler’s, Gaelic Glen, WCP, and Westar all decide these things, Pricing is set by each show and usually decided together as a group.

The Trillium Champs are organized, executed, and planned by the central committee not the local zone committee. The THJA is responsible for the scheduling of the event and the booking of all officials.

The door is always open to welcome new faces and our call for volunteers has been made.

Please feel free to reach out with questions, concerns, or compliments.

Tracy Howard

Zone President

Our Board

The Trillium Zone East board is made up of a group of dedicated organizers & industry members. If you see the board out and about at the shows please don’t hesitate to stop and say “Hi!”. We’d love to chat and get your feedback about the circuit.

President: Tracy Howard

Vice President: Nancy Mitchell

Treasurer: Suzanne Tighe

Secretary: Taylor McRae

Director at Large: Bridget McKessock

Director at Large: Rebecca Nuth

Director at Large: Pam Nuth